Viviane Gutlerner

EN | FR | NL
+32 (0)2 512 23 74

Viviane Gutlerner

“Our body is an instrument to use the breath”.
Rachely Cheney

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27-29 September 2024. IYENGAR Yoga workshop in Brussels, with SENIOR Rachely Cheney from Israël.

Rachely Cheney is a senior-junior advanced 1, certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor, awarded directly by BKS and Geeta IYENGAR.

She resides and teaches in the Galilee region of Israël. She also taught therapeutic yoga, notably on breast cancer. Author of the book "Yoga for children and beyond, a journey for all", she also collaborated in pictures in Rita Keller’s book “Yoga for menopause”.

Rachely has over 35 years of experience. She also gives weekly yoga zoom classes. Thursday 7.30 - 9am Belgian time.

More info on Rachely Cheney: Rachely Cheney - Yoga For Children And Beyond (

Through Rachely’s workshop for a group of maximum 20 participants you are invited to experience:

  • Body-Mind-Breath connection.
  • A blend of the great instructors from India.
  • A multi-option class with personalized corrections.

The participants may ask written questions to Rachely. They will receive personal answers during the Saturday / Sunday workshop.

“Yoga practice cleans the system, rest the nerves; Clarity, Contentment and Serenity are established. When the mind is controlled and still, what remains is the soul”, BKS IYENGAR



Friday 16h30-19h30: for teachers and advanced.
Saturday & Sunday 9h30-17h: mininum 1 year of yoga.

Venue: 87 Rue du Trône, 1050 Brussels

Friday: 60€
Saturday and/or Sunday: 1 day/110€; 2 days/200€
The full program: 250€ [BIYAB members: 240€]
Priority for those attending the whole weekend (Saturday & Sunday)

To confirm your registration, please pay 50% or the whole sum directly to Rachely through the following link : Click on top right, on the green button "donate now" to confirm your registration.
Fill in the amount & currency.
Then click on DONATE, in order to insert the details of your credit card, to proceed with the payment.

Your written questions to Rachely until September 17.
Tuition in English (translation if needed)