Viviane Gutlerner

EN | FR | NL
+32 (0)2 512 23 74

Viviane Gutlerner

When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense. Khalil Gibran

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17-21 October 2024 essential oils with Alain Challandes.

This course, open to all, will benefit both those who are already familiar with essential oils and beginners; the approach is transformative.

More than 20 essential oils will be explored for everyday practical applications, enabling us to create our own personal pharmacy.

The mysteries (and characters) of some of the oils we be explored deeper.
This discovery will be  playful, energetic and sensory, drawing on all our faculties of perception and intuition in order to extract a knowledge that integrates all the dimensions of the plant: physicochemical, emotional, mental, sacred ...

To take advantage with precision and full confidence of these oils, we will study the basic principles of applied aromatherapy, the true nature of essential oils and their modes of application.

Alain Challandes will come from Switzerland. He is a trainer, naturopath, aromatherapist and geologist. More info on his website:

Useful information :
Location: 87 Rue du Trône, 1050 Brussels
Hours: [open doors 8h40]
9h-12h30 and 13.45  - 17h45
Price: 260 €
Number of participants: minimum 6 - maximum 14
Course will be given in french. Partial translation in English is possible. Question and answer in english : ok

Infos, inscriptions: Viviane Gutlerner
+32 25 12 23 74

Registration confirmed after payment of 60 € deposit on Alain's account: IBAN CH07 0900 0000 1752 7329 7; BIC: POFICHBEXXX.
Deposit lost for any cancellation after December 1st 2020.

Alain will also be available for individual consulations on Friday 15/1/2021 and on Monday 18/1/2021.